Sunday, June 6, 2010


We all are aware by now of the BP oil spill that has been so tragic to the people of the Gulf coast. The loss of life from the explosion is so hard to comprehend...our prayers and thoughts go to the families first and foremost. God bless them all!

Every day on the news and in the papers we see pictures that just make us want to cry...and feel so helpless! Well here is a way you can help and have something that will warm your heart with a vision what things were and hope to be again.
Matt Bango Photography is offering something very special if you purchase one or all 4 of the prints... 100% OF THE PROFITS WILL GO TO ONE OF THREE WILDLIFE ORGANIZATIONS HELPING TO RESCUE BIRDS AND WILDLIFE IN THE GULF REGION! Matt tells me that so far reaction to the offer has been wonderful! His offer has been noticed by THE NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY, CORNELL LAB OF ORNOTHOLOGY and others!

Please take a minute to see what Matt is offering and if possible BUY A PRINT-SAVE A BIRD!


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